The phrase "Baby Shower Trivia Games" is one of the most searched for terms on this website!
Once I discovered this interesting fact, it only made sense to find all of the trivia related baby shower games I could - and share them with you!
So here it is! A page that is all about fun and exciting baby trivia games!
To fit the needs of everyone - I included a variety of options for you to make your baby shower planning easier -
Below you will find:
If you don't feel like typing your own baby shower game up, we have created a downloadable game that you can easily print from home. It has 9 random, off-the wall, baby questions that guests must try to answer!
The winner gets a prize! Maybe a Trivial Pursuit game? Since they are trivia buffs!
Here Are Several Amazing Baby Facts That Most People Don't Know..
Use these facts when creating your trivia questions. Turn them into multiple choice questions or fill in the blank style questions.
Get our Free printable Guess Who? Mommy Or Daddy game by clicking on the pic above.
Here is another spin on the game if you'd like to create your own:
1. A few days before the baby shower, sit down with the mom-to-be and ask her a series of questions. (or you can always email or text her)
2. Write down several facts about the expecting mom such as where she was born, favorite food, how many kids she wants, where she went to school, color of her eyes, dream place to live, etc.
3. Do the same for the dad-to-be.
4. Then type up all of the answers/facts and mix them up so the mom and dad's answers are all together (be sure to have an answer key for your own reference)
5. Have guests determine which fact goes to which parent by writing MOM or DAD next to each fact.
6. The one that has the most answers correct wins a prize!
Think you know the mommy-to-be the best? You are in for a surprise!
Have guests answer the questions and see who really knows mommy the best.
This is a free printable game that you download right after ordering. Great if you are in a time crunch and don't have time to make your own or have one mailed to you.
This is a traditional baby shower activity that is played at almost every shower! Have guests predict the babies birth date, weight, time of birth, and leave special wishes for the new baby.
The person who gets the most answers correct wins a prize! Usually something nice like a gift card or gift basket.
Have guests write down their name and phone number so you can call the winner after the baby has been born.
Another way to play this game is to turn it into a raffle. If a guest wants to join in the fun, they must put $5 into the pot.
Then the winner with the most correct answers, wins the pot of money!
See more (free) printable baby shower games, here