Duck Baby Shower Cakes & Diaper Cakes You Must See!

If you are planning a "Duck-Themed Baby Shower" have we got some duck baby shower cakes for you! All of the cakes below have been submitted by our talented readers!

Get inspired by all of the cute duck cakes and cupcakes! You can get some great ideas to make the cake yourself, or you can take it to your favorite baker and see if they can create it for you!

Duck Baby Shower Cake

Image of a Duck Baby Shower Cake With Bubbles

by Jodi
(Cumming, GA)

I used a regular round two layer cake as the base for this cake. I iced it with butter cream icing and then laid marshmallow fondant over the top of it.

I then made the 3D ducky cake using the Wilton ducky pan (pictured below.) I placed that on top of the round cake and inserted a wooden dowel through the center to ensure stability.

I iced the rubber ducky with butter cream using the 16 star tip, made the eyes and beak out of fondant and then just piped wings onto it.

I finished the cake by making fondant balls to surround the bottom of the cake and then made fondant "bubbles and soap." I attached the fondant with a dab of water.

Bucket O' Duckies Cake 

picture of the popular bucket of ducks cake

by Patricia
(Naperville, IL)

For this "Bucket O' Duckies Cake"...

I used box cake mixes, any flavor will do, and used 3 mixes for 3 layers, one box per 10" round pan.

Ingredients needed:
3 box cake mixes
2 chocolate frostings (container)
3 buttercream frostings (container) OR 2 containers of cool whip
3 tins of pirouette cookies
blue gel food coloring
some rubber duckies
14" ribbon - in the color of your choice

-Follow box directions for baking cake. Check with toothpick (it's done if it comes out clean) to see if it is ready

-Cool in pan 10 minutes, then transfer to wire rack and cool completely

-Trim each cake layer to level it on top

-You can make your own frosting, or use store-bought frosting that comes in a container, (this cake is chocolate inside, 2 containers) and frost the top of the bottom layer. Lay the next layer on top, frost the top, and lay the final layer on top of that.

-If you want to have a filling, pipe a thick ring of frosting around the cake's top, before laying the other cakes on, and fill the well you made with the filling of your choice. Chill in the fridge for half an hour to firm it up before putting more on it.

-Make 1 and 1/2 recipes buttercream icing, OR 3 storebought containers, OR use 2 tubs of cool whip and using a spatula, stir in gel food coloring color BLUE (I use Wilton brand, you can get them at Walmart super cheap) until mostly blue and swirly

-Spread the icing or cool whip (this cake used cool whip) on the sides, and then for the top, add the frosting one dollop at a time, trying to leave a generous amount of frosting on the top, and using the spatula to guide it in swirl/wave patterns. Try to spread it as little as you can, to keep the blue/white swirly lines in tact.

-Place the cookies one at a time around the outside edge of the cake, gently pressing it into the frosting (just enough to have it stick in place, not squishing the frosting out the side)until they are all around the outside of the cake

-gently tie ribbon around cookies

-place duckies on top

Ta-da!!!! Ducky cake.

Everyone really loved this cake because of the cookies on the edge, and I filled it with cherry pie filling along with the chocolate. Big hit, delicious, AND adorable!

Ducky Baby Shower Diaper Cake

Ducky Baby Shower Diaper Cakes

Tub Time Diaper Cake - Rubber Ducky Diaper Cake

This Tub Time Diaper Cake is made with Pampers Swaddlers diapers and is decorated with only quality accessories and ribbon. 

We use only name brand products the receiving parents will be comfortable using with their new baby. 

Thiscake stands 15 inches tall and 11 inches wide. 


-66 Pampers Swaddlers diapers, size 1 (8-14lbs)

-Beautiful blue and white ribbon

-3 rubber ducks

-brush and comb set

-2 washcloths

-6 travel size Johnson's baby products (including, powder, lotion, wash, shampoo, diaper rash cream and nourishing lotion)

Diapers are not rolled, so the diaper cake is easy to disassemble and start using.

Rubber Ducky Diaper Cake

Rubber Ducky Diaper Cake

by Kelly Coriaty 

(Buffalo, Ny, USA)

The Rubber Ducky Diaper Cake (blue with rubber duckies)

This bright and cheery Rubber Ducky Diaper Cake was so much fun to make!

The bottom tier is made from diapers - for the middle you can use a bottle of champagne!

I love this idea because the whole diaper cake is made using needed supplies and then when they start unwrapping and dissembling the cake, the parents find a festive bottle of champagne to celebrate the arrival of their new little baby!

For the middle tier you can roll receiving blankets or baby towels - this is a great alternative to using diapers and gives the diaper cake a taller appearance and a unique look. 

For the top tier you can use diapers or baby washcloths. 

Secure each tier with a cute ribbon and add other decorations and necessities such as flowers, baby socks, rattles, bottles, bibs - and of course and adorably plush and squishy bright yellow ducky!

Rubber Duckie On Bubbles Cake

The Sweetest Duck Bubbles Cake Picture

by Michelle
(Charlotte, NC)

This was a simple two-tier cake. I used gum paste for the polka dots and ribbon effects. The bubbles were also gum paste. I dusted the whole cake with a shimmer powder to give it some color since the mom-to-be just wanted a simple white cake.

Bath Time Duck Cake

Duck Baby Shower Bath Tub Cake Picture

by Rose Velez Kildau
(Milwaukee, WI)

The ducky bathtub is made of a marble cake.

I cut the center of the second layer and placed it on top of the first layer cake. I then butter creamed the entire cake and then put white fondant on it to make it look like a bathtub.

The faucet and the knobs are made of rice krispy treats covered in white fondant as well. The blocks are made of rice krispy treats covered in light colored fondants.

The bubbles are made of white rolled up fondant. The center of the cake is pure butter cream frosting and then you decorate with any plastic rubber duckies. Pretty easy but time consuming with the details.

Colorful Rubber Duck Baby Shower Cake

colorful Duck Baby Shower Cake picture

by Amy St-Amand
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

Rubber Ducky Baby Shower Cake:

2 tiered chocolate with butter-cream icing along with marshmallow fondant. I made the duckies with marshmallow fondant a few days before decorating the cake to allow for the ducks to set.

The strips and dots were made out of marshmallow fondant also. I used ribbon around the base of the cake and colored the fondant with Wilton's icing color.


Duck Baby Shower Cake

adorable picture of a Duck Baby Shower Cake

by Susan

This Rubber Ducky Baby Cake is a 2 layer 16 inch white cake and I used a Rubber Ducky Cake Pan for the large duck on top.  

It is covered with homemade vanilla icing tinted in various colors.  

The polka dots on the base cake were made with color flow.  

The small ducks around the base are made of tinted white chocolate.  

The chocolate ducks and the dots must be made a few days ahead of time.

The Best Oregon Ducks Cake

Oregon Ducks Baby Shower Cake Picture

by Karlee Mitchell
(Oregon City, OR)

I started with the head. I made the head out of homemade rice krispies and molded it into a head, beak and neck all connected.

I then made two rice crispy wings the shape of the wing is your choice ut make them a finger width think.

Next I made four chocolate cakes out of a 10 inch cake pan. I filled the cake with homemade Dark Hershey Cocoa Frosting.

Stack, Frost, Stack, Frost etc.

I then carved the cake into an oval with a round point at one end to create the body, and carved on the top and the sides to make it round and added extra carvings to the top of the tail to make it stand up a little more.

I then covered the first piece head in yellow fondant, then the body in yellow fondant, and then the wings in yellow fondant.

Next I took orange fondant and covered the beak. Then I took green fondant to the head and created the base of the helmet.

Then I rolled out black fondant into 5 thick noodles three long and two little, and took water to stick them to the edge of the green base and layed one strip across the beak and another under the beak.

And another across the trim of the green at the top of the head. Then I took the little ones to connect the two lower ones around the beak. I placed a toothpick in the middle of the little ones and left the sharp tips showing so it would stick into each end of the noodles on the mask of the helmet.

Have them all connect at the same place. Now it's time to make the eyes. Cut White Fondant into two Ovals and Cut black fondant into two small circles then glue with water the white to the yellow and the black to the white in the place open between the beak and

the top of the helmet.

Now cut the yellow O's Out of two circle cutters one big and one a little smaller then place where the duck would have ears on the helmet.

Glue with water. Now cut two 2inch rectangles about a finger wide out of black fondant and make them look like straps at the top of the helmet.

Glue with Water.

Now take a tiny bit of black fondant and role them to tiny balls about the size of half your pink nail and squash to make them flat and glue those a little above the middle of the straps. Now back to the body.

Since you already have it covered in yellow fondant now roll our the green to make the jersey.

The wings should NOT yet be on the body.

Cover half the body in green.

Now cut out the numbers of your choice out of white. I chose 51 because that is the new baby boys fathers baseball number.

Let harden. Now cut out the word DUCKS out of yellow fondant. Let harden. I also did the Nike sign optional. Let Harden.

The wings. Take black fondant and cover half of the already yellow wing for the sleeve of the jersey. Do Both wings.

Cut out little tiny diamond shapes out of white for the diamond plate sleeve.

I made about 100 and did 40-45 on each. Glue in diagonal order to black part of sleeve. Now place toothpicks half way into wing; I used 5 each side. Now squash wings to side of green body closer toward the front.

Careful not to push toothpicks all the way through the wing! I also made little tiny green smashed circles and added them to the helmet to make them look like plugged screws. optional

Now take the letters and numbers and Nike sign and glue in same order as picture on the front of the jersey and you have created an Oregon Ducks Cake!

Bath Time Duck Baby Shower Cake

by Samantha R
(Chattanooga ,TN)

bath time duck cake picture

I used 2 10" round cakes and the icing was with blue butter cream frosting.

I didn't smooth out the icing on the cake so it would give the effect of water.

I then made the bubbles and bar of soap out of the Wilton fondant icing.

I bought a cheap blue table-cloth, rubber duck and baby washcloths form walmart.

I then placed the duck in the middle of the cake and placed the wash- cloths around the cake on the table-cloth.

I used and old metal bucket we had at our house for the backdrop.

Very easy and cheap to make.

Rubba Dub Dub Duck Baby Shower Cake

picture of a Duck Baby Shower Cake with bubbles

by Stephanie Belcher
(Dora Al United States)

This Rubba Dub Dub Duck Baby Shower Cake was made from 2 eight inch cakes stacked together.

The wooden barrow is made from fondant.

I rolled out the fondant, cut into strips and covered the cake.

The towel, shirt and soap are also made from fondant.

Rolled out the fondant and and cut each piece. For the bubbles I used butter cream icing and piped large dots on the cake.

The tiles on the floor is one large piece of fondant, I took a cookie cutter and made the square impressions.

The duck is plastic. Thanks for looking.

Cute As A Button Duck Baby Shower Cakes

Duck Baby Shower Cake picture
picture of 3 tier Duck Baby Shower Cake

As a decorator, baby shower cakes are by far my favorite party to decorate a cake for.

There is nothing more beautiful then the love of a new life.

This cake is one of my favorites, as you can see I put much time into making sure this cake was done perfect with a nice clean finish.

The buttons are each cut out with a circle cutter, and a pointed fondant tool was used to make the threading holes.

The baby's clothing was done with a fondant (Press and Cut) tool, that allows for indents to be pressed into the fondant before using a cut out to obtain the perfect shape.

The baby's blanked was done with a roller tool that gives the impression of stitching, and the edges were cut with little slivers all the way around to give the impression of fringe.

The cake flavors where red velvet and cream cheese on the bottom tier.

Top 2 tiers were a white cake dyed with a baby pink tint!

Duckie Pond Cake 

picture of a duck pond cake

by Julie M.
(Rochester, NY)

I started with a 1/2 sheet single-layer rectangle cake. I iced the sides in white butter cream and did a light coat of icing on top, since it will be covered. Then I piped a small top and bottom border with light green icing, using a small round tip.

Then, for the pond scene on top, I used my small spatula to spread light blue/white striped butter cream pond. It was in the shape of a kidney bean/oval.

Then I used my grass tip to pipe green grass surrounding the pond to the edges of the cake. There are drop flowers in the grass. The fun of this cake are the buttercream duckies in the pond- they are made by piping a base body with tip 10 (large round).

Pipe a round ball which tapers off into a point. Then, using a smaller round tip (like #4) pipe a little round ball on top for the head, and little tapering wings on each side of the body.

Then, using orange butter cream, and small leaf tip (#352s), pipe a little beak. And lastly little dot blue eeys. I made varying size duckies to look like mommies with ducklings!

I pipe each duck on a piece of wax paper, on a flower nail, and then pop it into the freezer. It hardens enough so you can take it off the wax paper with fingers or scissors to place on the pond.

Lastly there are little lily pads and flowers. The pads are made on a flower nail with petal tip, making a round shape. Same thing as the duckies- freeze and then position.

The flowers are with white butter cream, with a star tip, pull out in a circle to make a spiky flower. Then pipe a little yellow star in the center.

This "Duckie Pond Cake" is one of my favorite cake designs to make for baby showers!

Mama Duck Baby Shower Cakes

image of ducky cake and cupcakes

by Carmen Artiga-Birdsall
(Gaithersburg, MD)

This two tiered Mama Duck Cake is covered in blue fondant, the "bubbles", and the Mama Duck are also made out of fondant, the duck cupcakes are topped with butter cream and chocolate ducks were made with chocolate molds, the "bubbles" are fondant.

Rubber Duckie Cupcakes 

image of duck baby shower cupcakes

by Suzanne
(Anaheim, CA)

Very Very Easy!

I purchased frosting already made from a cake supply store. I tinted it pink (hot pink was all they had right after Valentine's Day.)

I filled 3 different pastry bags--each with their own tip. I think I used round tip#s 5, 8 and 12.

The person that wanted me to make these had already purchased the rubber duckies. You can find them at Amazon or any craft store.

image of mini rubber duckies for a baby shower

I secured the ducks to the cupcake with a dollop of frosting--this worked great for "glue" as I was able to then use the ducks as a "handle" whenever I needed to move the cakes. While decorating I used the base of  the cupcakes to handle them. 

Using the largest tip I started piping the frosting around the outer edge of the base, working towards the center. I then used the 2 smaller tips to fill in gaps, add variety and build up bubbles around the duck. I also added a few bubbles on top of the duck heads.

When I began piping the bubbles it was hard not to create "tails" on them. It was suggested that I use a toothpick to correct this. Since I was going to be making 75 of these I just left them. After a few hours this corrected itself.

Duck Baby Shower Decoration Ideas

baby shower ducky cakes banner

Some cute decorating ideas for a duck-themed baby shower are:

  • Buy some patterned scrapbook paper in matching colors and patterns (duck paper would be extra-cute!)
  • Cut the paper into strips and wrap around napkins for instant and affordable napkin rings.
  • Wrap around vases and pillar candles.
  • Use full sheets of the paper for place mats and to set food dishes on.
  • Make name tags, place cards, favor tags, gift tags, etc!
  • Scrap book paper is such an easy and inexpensive way to add some pizzazz to your baby shower!

Where would you like to go next:

Back to Main Cake Gallery

Waddle Over to Our Duck Theme Page


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"I don’t have time to plan anything complicated."

Overwhelmed by planning? Our printable baby shower games are ready in minutes—no crafting, no stress. Just print, play, and soak in the compliments from your guests.

printable baby shower signs

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