Are Harmful Skin Care Products All Around Us?

The harmful effects of baby care products and regular skin care products are frightening. As a consumer, you would think that if products were being sold in stores, then they must be safe for our bodies. Researching for this article was a huge eye-opener!

We have been dabbling in the skin care field, doing a little research on the industry and the safety of the products in the US. Here is what we learned:

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It breathes, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Our skin protects us from harmful elements in the environment. There are harmful ingredients in mainstream cosmetics and personal care that you can avoid. Take time to check the ingredient labels on your skin care products.

The baby industry is flooded with skin care products claiming to sooth and soften your baby's skin. When in reality, they are filled with harsh fragrances and dyes that irritate the skin. Some ingredients to watch out for include:

Talc: Used on babies because it absorbs moisture. Dusting with talcum powder endangers an infant's lungs at the prospect of inhalation.

Lanolin: An oily excretion of sheep (sheep sweat!), lanolin is a common lubricating ingredient in skin formulas. Extracted from the wool, lanolin has been indicated as a cause of allergic skin reactions in sensitive people. Sheep are bathed twice a year, their wool boiled down and the lanolin skimmed off the top.

Petroleum: Petrochemicals imitate estrogen in the body causing hormone imbalance. Petroleum and its derivatives are not beneficial ingredients for the general care of your skin.

Mineral Oil: This refined petroleum product forms a film on the surface of your skin and cannot be absorbed (think of it like a liquid form of plastic wrap you use to cover your food). It blocks the pores and the skin's natural perspiration. Mineral oil may also cause allergic reactions and dryness. Mineral oil actually leaches minerals/nutrients out of your skin and blocks the absorption of vitamins/minerals/botanicals that may be in a product.

Artificial Colors: Formulated chemically from a wide variety of sources, artificial colors are known to cause allergic reactions in some people.

Artificial Fragrances: Chemical fragrances have been known to create allergic skin reactions and photo-sensitivity in some people.

This new found knowledge lit a fire under me and triggered me to find safer, more effective baby care products for my children. My daughter suffered from severe ezcema (dry, itchy skin) which was probably due to the products I was using. I recently found a wonderful solution! I don't want to endorse products in this if anyone wants more information please feel free to contact me.

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